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He never intended us to live small, contained lives!


Well, hello, beautiful woman of God!

If you are here, you have already realized that God has created you for a life of “more.”

You are a unique creation, created by God, for God. He wants you to know that your identity and value are in Him alone. Until you realize, embrace, and walk in your God given  identity as a Daughter of the King, despite your worldly successes, you cannot begin to live the life of fulfillment and enrichment that you so earnestly desire.

The challenge becomes how to walk in this truth when old thoughts and beliefs continually leave you feeling empty on the inside.


This is where Life Coaching comes in.


Our conversations will provide you with the space you need to understand where those thoughts and beliefs come from and truly understand who God says you are.


I am confident that together with the Holy Spirit we can renew your mind so you can overcome those old mindsets and step into the full measure of joy and fulfillment the Father has for you

I’d love to share the process with you in a FREE 30 minute discovery call. Book a call with me HERE.

Until you see yourself the way God sees you, you will never walk in the full measure of Christ

Until we understand who God says we are, we will live our life based on our assumptions and the lies we have believed about ourselves.

You will only go as far in the Kingdom of God as your identity allows..

Listen, there are doors we are waiting for God to open but the key to those doors opening is within us becoming convinced that we are who God says we are!

I have been a Christian since 1976. 

I knew I belonged to God, but I did not understand everything that encompassed.

And because I didn't understand who I was in Him, I never felt that I was "enough."

When you begin to understand who you are in Him and all that encompasses it will change your life and the lives of those you are called to impact.

Change your thoughts ~ Change your world!


Are you ready to move forward with your life? 

Are you tired, burnt out or just stuck and can't move forward? That's what coaching is for.


Coaching can help by:

✔ Suggesting ways to manage your stress and deal with overwhelm

Offering up a different perspective

Supporting you in eliminating self-defeating habits and adopting healthier ones

Helping you get clarity on your goals and dreams

✔ Opening you up to new possibilities

✔ Working with you to create action plans to meet your goals

✔ Keeping you accountable

✔ Standing with you and for you

Ready to take your life to the next level? 


Using Holy Spirit led coaching we will get to the root of the issue. 

✔  We will discover WHY you struggle and HOW to overcome those repetitive thoughts of:

✔  I’m not worthy.

✔  I’m not good enough.

✔  I can’t accomplish my goals.

✔  I can’t, I’m not, I won’t, I don’t.

Book your free 30-minute consult call now and let's see what package is the best fit for you.



2400 FM 2165, Rockport, Texas 78382


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